How to start writing.
2 min readMay 25, 2021
Hi, Today I’m writing on the topic how can you start writing, in my opinion I think everyone writes it’s just some write for the world to read they are known as writers, and some write just for themselves for their own peace they write to overcome mental stress the thoughts they have whatever they think they write it down, I’m going to tell you some steps how you can start writing,
- Find a perfect place/environment to write, find a place where you find peace of mind and some silence could be any place your room, the store room in your house the sofa where you find comfort under the tree in your garden in your balcony any place that give you some moment of mental peace start writing there, this will going to help you a lot the peace helps you to think and improves your thought process.
- Don’t distract your mind, this is important when you are writing something you have to stay focused in that particular thing for example- if you are writing something on a particular topic and suddenly you start thinking about something else that is just going to distract you and you couldn’t be able to think further regarding the topic, so, whenever you writing something make sure to put your 100% attention on that particular thing otherwise it’s just going to ruin it and you have to start again some time later.
- Find a perfect time for writing, some writers can write whenever a thought pops up in there mind and some need to find a time to think for it a bit, so you should find a time in which you feel focused could be early morning, evening or late in night when the world sleeps, this helps you to stay more focused regarding your thing and once your thoughts are clear and you are focused you are good to go.
- Start reading books, articles or blogs regarding your interest, this is quite helpful when you read you learn a lot of things regarding the world the writing and other things, when you read you learn how the writers used to write their writings, you get inspiration from writer you love to read and this helps you to stay focused on your goal, so whatever is your interest start reading regarding it.
I guess I covered most of the things in this one, if something is left I’ll cover it up in next one, I hope this blog was helpful if it is let me know.