How To Stay Motivated Everytime.

Akrit Singh Jadoun
3 min readMay 20, 2021


Hey, this my first blog so, today i’m gonna talk about the question which have arised in so many people’s mind especially the youngsters that how to stay motivated, how to stay focused and motivated towards your work everytime.

As a youngster i understand this situation pretty well that sometimes we just lost our focus from everything and we start taking stress because we are just spending our time doing nothing when the people around us busy doing different kind of activites, as an 19 year old i’m gonna tell you what i do to keep myself motivated and productive throughout the time.

Step1- do what you love, sometimes we lost motivation because we was doing the thing we are not supposed to do or want to do we were just doing it because someone else wanted us to do, at that situation there are lot’s of chances of you feeling demotivated because deep inside in your mind you just don’t want to do that you were just doing it because your friend or someone you know told you to do, so stop that and think what you want to do what you want to work on it can be anything related to your studies, related to the sport you were playing, related to the work you been doing for some time, it can be anything so change this habit first and work on the things you yourself want to.

Step2- less discussions with others about your work, this is a quite big reason of you feeling demotivated like if you are doing some work and you started discussing it with the people around you some gonna support you true, but some will just demotivate you try to find flause in your work and tell you to change it in that situation what will you do? you’ll feel demotivated you feel like discontinuing what you were doing you’ll start questioning yourself that were you doing it right or not, so stop doing that you all must have been seen that quote that work hard in silence let your success make noise, yes that apply that in your life, if you want to discuss your work then do it with someone who is experienced in that field or your close friend or family, they will listen to you and give you suggestions that will gonna help you and improve you, so apply this.

Step3-never think you can’t, this is the most important step and the biggest reason which makes you feel demotivated, stop thinking you can’t when you think you can’t do something that’s just you demotivating yourself because after that you can’t work FOR EXAMPLE- You have some fat you went gym to lose weight and build muscle or you are skinny and you went gym to gain weight and build muscle, you worked hard for some days but after you did not saw good results or you saw those heavy bodybuilders you felt like you can’t just do it that thing will make you quite on the other hand if you stayed motivated and worked hard maybe someday you’ll have become better then all those gym guys, this process needs patience if you are dedicated towards something put your 100% in it maybe the results can be slow but they will come. STAY MOTIVATED KEEP HUSTLIN.

That’s all for this blog thankyou if you liked it please show your support and let me know your views i’ll see you next time.



Akrit Singh Jadoun
Akrit Singh Jadoun

Written by Akrit Singh Jadoun

Writer✍️, Author📖 (Blog)- (My Book)- ‘Shabd Mala’ (on amazon)

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