The meaning of life.
Someone today asked me what’s the meaning of life? his eyes were telling me that he was dealing with some serious problems and he need guidance to go through the situation
I’m no experienced psychologist or life coach who can speak any word of wisdom that can create a huge difference in his life. but what i remembered was the fact that I’m also a “Human” just like him. i then sat down with him ordered a cup of coffee and started to talk about the meaning of life. he asked me what is the meaning of life why are we pushing ourselves everyday working so hard to create a comfortable life creating new bonds and relations going through different problems that can lead us to serious troubles when in the end everything leads towards one thing “Death”. I in a very calm voice said if that’s the case my friend then every person on this earth should just give up and according to your logic and if everyone is eventually going to give up then what’s the point of this cycle of life? i told him that I’m not going to speak on any scientific stuff as he is not willing to listen it what he wanted to listen is a reason that can motivate him to go through the situation he is in currently. i asked him who is the person you admire the most or see as your inspiration brother told me that he admired his grandfather and then i asked him do you listen to music he said yes i asked who was your favourite artist he said he was the fan of “Linkin park” band from childhood i asked him who was the lead artist in the band he said Chester Bennington then i asked do you still listen to his songs? he replied yes then i asked if his grandfather and the rock band lead singer is with us anymore or not? he replied with no then the real question comes up that if they are no more here why you still admire or get inspired from them? brother face gone numb and he was clueless as he was not able to answer my question this time his voice got heavy and his speech got improper then i realised now he is confused then i answered him, because they created a legacy as they are not here anymore but there work there teachings there values are still here which still keep them alive in the heart of there people i said the money the the fame everything will be gone one day and it is true whatever we are hunting for currently will end up in zero one day for us, but if we lead a successful ethical and humble life people will remember us for ages as our legacy will keep us alive in our people. whatever the life offers us is the enjoy in it self as no one on this earth is leading a 101% blissful or good life without problems. happiness and problems are the part of life instead of hiding from them try to face and overcome maybe it will lead to something better afterwards.
Live a life that can create a better tomorrow not which will ruin the present.